The most contents include as follows: the connotation of Technology Transfer, the constitutes of NTTS and the actions the university in the NTTS. At last, the author comes out suggestions. 主要内容包括,技术转移的内涵、国家技术转移系统的构成以及大学的独特作用,并在此基础上提出了政策建议。
Taking the deep buried free-flow large-diameter tunnel of the West Route Project of the South-North Water Transfer Project as an example, the expressions of stresses and displacement of the surrounding rock and liner are deduced considering the high-geostresses and the dynamic actions of the anchor rod and liner. 以南水北调西线工程深埋大直径无压引水隧洞为例,考虑高地应力及锚杆、衬砌等支护的动态作用,推导出隧洞围岩、衬砌应力及位移的表达式。
The owners transfer some of their property rights to real estate management companies to manage it for them, and through the House-owners committee, they may supervise the management companies actions in an efficient way. 业主将物业交给专业的物业管理公司统一管理,并通过业主委员会对其进行有效的监督。